Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey (HD) Full Movie - I Films

Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey (HD) Full Movie

Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey (HD) Full Movie

Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey (HD) Full Movie | The Kadam family leaves India for France where they open a restaurant directly across the road from Madame Mallory's Michelin-starred eatery.

Streaming The Hundred-Foot Journey (HD) Full Movie

The Hundred-Foot Journey
122 min  -  Comedy | Drama
Director: Lasse Hallström
Stars: Helen Mirren, Om Puri, Manish Dayal

Storyline The Hundred-Foot Journey

The Hundred-Foot Journey Full Movie - The family of talented cook, Hassan Kadam, has a life filled with both culinary delights and profound loss. Drifting through Europe after fleeing political violence in India that killed the family restaurant business and their mother, the Kadams arrive in France. Once there, a chance auto accident and the kindness of a young woman, Marguerite, in the village of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val inspires Papa Kadam to set up a Indian restaurant there. Unfortunately, this puts the Kadams in direct competition with the snobbish Madame Mallory's acclaimed haute cuisine establishment across the street where Marguerite also works as a sous-chef. The resulting rivalry eventually escalates in personal intensity until it goes too far. In response, there is a bridging of sides initiated by Hassan, Marguerite and Madame Mallory herself, both professional and personal, that encourages an understanding that will change both sides forever.

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